StART Dreaming

Designed for rising high school seniors, StART Dreaming begins with a four-week summer arts intensive program. Students receive instruction in acting, writing, singing and dance, culminating in two final shows that are FREE and open to the public.

StART Dreaming then guides students through their senior year, offering continued arts exposure, 1 to 1 mentoring for college applications, FAFSA and financial aid help. StART Dreaming College Readiness has a 100% success rate in college admissions for all high school graduates. Most of our participants receive substantial scholarships.

Applications for 2025 are now OPEN. Please use the link below to sign up.


StART Dreaming is FREE, but we’d like to call special attention to these benefits:

  • Daily, Healthy Lunches

    Summer Arts Intensive

  • Weekly MetroCards

    Summer Arts Intensive

  • College Readiness Tools

    All Year

  • Coaching & Masterclasses

    All Year

  • 1:1 College Application Mentor

    Fall/Winter/Spring College Application Mentorship Sessions

Program Details

  • Schedule

    Summer Arts Intensive

    July 7 - Aug 1, 2025

    Fall/Winter/Spring College Mentorship Sessions

    -Monday 9/8 - Mentorship Orientation (Zoom)

    -Monday 9/22 - Pre-Screen Orientation (Zoom)

    -Saturday 9/27 - Mentorship #1 and Pre-Screen #1 (In person)

    -Saturday 10/04 - Mentorship #2 and Pre-Screen #2 (In person)

    -Monday 10/13 - Mentorship Session #3 (Zoom)

    -Saturday 10/25 - Mentorship #4 and Pre-Screen #3 (In person)

    -Saturday 11/08 - Mentorship #5 and Pre-Screen #4 Filming (In person)

    -Saturday 11/22 - Mentorship Session #6 (In person)

    -Saturday, 12/6 - Final Meeting (In person)

  • Times

    Summer Arts Intensive


    Fall/Winter/Spring College Mentorship Sessions

    Mondays and Saturdays from September to December

    Additional individual and ad-hoc sessions in Jan to May

  • Location

    Summer Arts Intensive

    The Triad Theater

    158 W 72nd St, New York, NY 10023

    Fall/Winter/Spring College Mentorship Sessions

    Hybrid; some sessions will be in person and some will be on Zoom

Application Materials

Personal Statement:

Please submit a personal statement of approximately 150 - 200 words. Feel free to write about what interests you.

For instance: What are you curious and passionate about?

What soaring heights do you see yourself achieving?

Why do you sing, act, write, take photos and/or play an instrument(s)?

What do you think you’ll learn from being accepted to our program?

Whatever you decide to write about, take some chances! In the end, please connect back to why you would benefit from attending the StART Dreaming College Readiness program.


If you have a resume it must list your educational background and any work experience, whether in the arts or not. Don’t be shy about your accomplishments and involvement in theatrical productions, even if it was ensemble work and/or you were a member of the stage crew.


We need the email addresses of two teachers/guidance counselors/coaches that you feel close with or who know you well.

Audition Information

New to auditioning? Don’t worry, you GOT this!

You will need 1 memorized monologue and 1 song that you can sing from memory.


Need helping finding a monologue? Check out our website.

  • Select a short monologue (1 minute - 90 seconds long) that allows you to make strong acting choices. A monologue should take you and your audience

    on a "journey." Your character should be somehow different at the end than he/she was at the beginning.

  • Pick age-appropriate material that you can relate to.

  • Do not do your monologue with any kind of accent or dialect. We want to see YOU.

  • We prefer monologues from a play, but that is not mandatory.

  • Be sure you've researched the play your monologue is from so you can demonstrate an understanding of the character and situation involved.  The

    library and Google are great resources to research your monologue.  So is READING THE ACTUAL PLAY! ;-)

  • You may use hand props, but not costumes.

For your SONG:

  • Please prepare 32 bars (about a minute) of a song that you like. Anything from Broadway or Disney would be perfect.

  • Remember to bring your sheet music. Find it online, ask your music teacher to make you a copy, or find it at the Lincoln Center Performing Arts Library

Please bring a recent photo or headshot and a resume if you have them.

If you haven’t set up your audition yet, please reach out to

I adore everything that this organization does. I truly would not be the person I am today if I had never joined Statement Arts.”

- StART Dreaming Alum

There are two parts to this program and their goals are: cultivating creative minds and ensuring access to quality higher education.

Expand these sections to learn more.

  • As a participant in StART Dreaming you can expect daily classes in:

    Writing - This may not sound fun until you realize that good writing just means talking about things that matter to you. They say to be a good writer, write about what you know - that’s what we’re here to help you do. Before you know it, you’ll have written your college entrance essay, giving you an advantage over your classmates who have just been sitting around all summer!

    Individual Voice Lessons - You’ll receive private voice lessons with a professional voice teacher - this is a huge value in itself as regular lessons can be expensive! Your voice teacher will help you make the most out of your singing voice by teaching you healthy techniques to give you a vibrant, memorable voice. Even if you don’t consider yourself a singer, you’ll be surprised by how much learning about your voice strengthens you as a speaker.

    Music - Did you know that, according to science, singing in a group can improve your mood? All our participants sing in our choir that meets daily and includes techniques to help you understand a piece of music. This class focuses on learning how to sing harmonies, listening to each other, and building a dynamic group.

    Acting - You’ll get to choose a monologue or two to learn, practice, and eventually perform. We like to use a masterclass format to learn, which means you’ll get a chance to practice your monologue in front of the group, and will also learn by watching the rest of the group practice their monologues. You’ll learn to understand your body as an ‘instrument,’ how to analyze a script and understand character development, how to take control of your performance anxiety, and techniques to encourage honest, truthful storytelling every time you take the stage.

    Headshots - You will receive FREE headshots from our award-winning professional photographer to use for auditions, other professional scenarios, or to spice up your Instagram! This is also a tremendous value as a professional set of headshots are really expensive.

    Performance - All your voice lessons and choir classes, monologue work, creative writing and choreography come together in an exciting way during the last days of the summer intensive where you’ll get to show off your hard work in two final performances that are FREE. Watch the artistic director work her magic as she weaves your work together into a show you’ll be proud to invite your friends and families to. We’re proud of your work, too, so we’ll also invite our friends and supporters to cheer you on!

    Wrap Around Support - We always have a social worker on staff during our summer intensive in case you need anyone to talk to about things going on in your life. We’re there to help address any challenges you may be facing, either personally, at home, at school, wherever, and have a huge network of people and resources we’d love to connect you to!

  • Like we said before, the love and support doesn’t stop just because the summer ends - you’re going to be partnered with a personal mentor who’s prepared to help you and your family through every step of your college application process. Here are just a few of the many ways they’re going to support you:

    Common App - Each student will work with their mentor to start and finish their Common Applications for their selected colleges. This includes completing all supplementary requirements for the selected colleges.

    Financial Aid - Our Financial Aid team of experts facilitates completion of the FAFSA, TAP, HEOP, SEEK, institutional and external scholarships and additional financial aid resources. Don’t even know what these letters are or mean? No problem - that’s our job!

    College Decision Process - Have you considered going abroad for college? Do you want to stay in state or travel? Have an idea if you want to pursue a BA, BS, or a BFA? When picking the perfect college and college experience, you need to consider how much money each college is giving you, how much debt you may be willing to take on, what sort of additional courses you may be expected to take, and how well a college will prepare you for future. We’re here to help you find that school!

    Preparation - You’ll be given real-life advice on what to expect once you head off to college… it will be the best, most fun, and most challenging time of your life.

    Celebration - Stick with us - we want to celebrate your college choice in the spring!